Kratom Crushed LeafIf you’ve ever perused our extensive selection of kratom products, you may have seen that we offer several varieties of kratom crushed leaf. If you’ve never seen this before on other websites, you may be wondering what exactly is kratom crushed leaf? And why would you buy it instead of a powder or other form of kratom? This little article is intended to give you a bit more information about crushed kratom leaf so you can decide on the product that suits your needs.

Basically, our kratom crushed leaf is made from coarsely ground kratom leaves. Also sometimes called “tea-cut” for its texture, which is reminiscent of loose-leaf tea, the crushed kratom leaf incense is one of several products we like to offer our customers, along with kratom powders, resins, and liquid extracts. However, our crushed kratom leaf products are not extracts—they are simply the unenhanced kratom leaf, conveniently crushed to make it easier to work with. You can buy any of the types of kratom we offer, from Thai Red Vein to Maeng Da, in either powdered or crushed leaf form.

Why Buy Crushed Kratom Leaf?

Whether you buy kratom as a whole leaf, powder, or crushed leaf is largely a matter of preference. Here are a couple reasons why someone might prefer the kratom crushed leaf to the powdered variety:

Price: Because crushed kratom leaves are less finely processed than kratom powder, they are correspondingly cheaper. Part of what you’re paying for with kratom powder is the extra processing by the manufacturer. If you’re willing to put the time in, you can take this extra step yourself and grind the coarse, “tea-cut” crushed kratom into a powder. There are a few different ways to do this: you can simply crush the leaves by hand or rub the coarse powder through a sieve, using a sheet of paper to collect the resulting powder. You can also grind the leaf pieces in a pepper mill or coffee grinder—just make sure your appliance is new or VERY clean to avoid contaminating residue. You’ll also want to clean the appliance thoroughly afterward.

Freshness: Crushed kratom leaves also present a smaller surface area to the air than the more finely micronized kratom powder. If you can get them, whole kratom leaves present an even smaller surface area. This can be important, especially if you think you might have to store your kratom for a while, because the alkaloid content in kratom will decrease over time as it’s exposed to oxygen. The less surface area exposed to air = the less area left for alkaloids to escape. Storing your kratom, in whatever form, away from exposure to sunlight, moisture, and oxygen will also help your kratom product last longer and stay fresher.

Ultimately though, buying kratom crushed leaf or kratom powder is largely a matter of preference, as these two forms of kratom will contain the same range of alkaloids. If you prefer a finer texture for an incense preparation, then powdered kratom is the way to go. But if you don’t mind putting in some extra effort and can spare the time to process your kratom—for instance, if you want to make your own kratom resin at home—then crushed kratom leaf is a very versatile and effective option.