Kratom Types

This page outlines the basic kinds of Kratom leaf and extract available on ShamansGarden:

BALI LEAF: This is the most commonly-found Kratom on the planet.  Bali leaf comes from just where you imagine; Bali, Indonesia.  Most often, leaf comes in both a powdered form and a crushed (tea cut) form.  Both are equally as popular as the other, and both are Top Sellers when it comes to Kratom products.

…we also have:

MAENG DA: This isn’t a strain of Kratom, but a level of alkaloid content within the Kratom.  Many mistakenly think this is a variety from a different part of the world, but Maeng Da can come from anywhere in the world.  Again, it’s a measure of the alkaloid content of the Kratom leaf and not indicative of a strain.

There are also extracts.  Although there are many different names for extracts, and despite some marketing that unscrupulously and irresponsibly calls extracts “50x” or “100x”, it’s physically impossible to make an extract stronger than about 20x.  So, ShamansGarden has always offered:

  • Kratom 10x Extract: This is also called “Bronze” extract on our site and a few others.  This is our 3rd-best selling Kratom products.  Sometimes, to get to a 10x extract, stronger extract (such as 20x) is often used as a base, and inert blending materials such as maltodextrin, starch, and other fillers are used to “blend it down” to the desired strength.
  • Kratom 15x Extract: This is our Top Selling Extract, and always has been here at both ShamansGarden and IAmShaman. This is often called “Silver” extract, simply to indicate a mid-level extract.
  • Kratom 20x Extract: This is our second-best seller, and is our Top Grade Kratom Extract.  This premium product is always a solid seller here, and it’s the product we work with ourselves.

Lastly, there are Kratom Capsules.  It may seem odd to have a non-consumable botanical in an encapsulated format.  But for those without scales, this actually makes a lot of sense because each capsule contains exactly 300mg of Kratom extract.  That means 3 capsules will always equal 900mg.  So, whatever purpose the Kratom extract is being used for, it’s easy to ensure the exact same amount is being used every time.